The first limited edition white label is in production right now. And when I say white label. This is what I mean – this label stuck to a plain white sleeve –

We recorded this yesterday. All day… Mastered it this morning and they are printing CDs as I write. We’ll take 250 on the road and I’ll print 250 more when we get home. And that will be it. 12 songs for $12 seems fair. Cheap actually.

UPDATE 2/26/2010 – We now have the CDs and I’ve signed 400 or so to cover us for while I’m in NYC. Note – we’re not offering dedications on this CD just now. All those sold in the shop are pre-signed.

UPDATE 3/15/2010 – I’m home again. We can take orders for more. We’ll assemble and presign the remaining 600 that we have.