Well, that was a just awful couple of days. $50,000 doesn’t go as far as I’d hoped. Someone who will not be named (don’t ask) had promised to look after much the logistics, but that didn’t happen and here I am with my brand new Filemaker database juggling daily rates and hotel ratings to try to balance the books. From day one of rehearsals to final overdubs we should be done in 34 days (mixing later). No-one is getting paid as much as they warrant, but everyone, now, seems fine with that. Thom Monahan is out. Couldn’t agree on a fee that I was happy with. Derby is still in and Geoff Sanoff http://justmanaging.com/producers/geoff-sanoff/ who is very keen to work with both Dave and I will record the basics. We may just have lucked out. I was really keen to work with Thom but life goes on. Geoff’s is very talented and a Grammy winner!
After that we’ll come up to MA and most likely (TBC) overdub at Slaughterhouse with Mark, maybe a little can be done up here (my attic). Keyboards almost certainly can. Blair is definitely coming over and the best news of the last week is the “new” tune he sent me, which is based on an idea of ours from 1982 (!!) sounds fabulous. It must be on the record – I will make it happen. Final overdubs will be back in NYC for Joan and my last vocals.
I’m talking to Mick Glossop about mixing – we’re both very keen to make a completely different sounding record to the last two. If the budget will allow. If it does we’ll also mix in mono for the vinyl release.
I need a drink
34 days