Q – As one of your bigger record collectors be so kind and let me/us know, if there are a US Pressing from the great BROKEN RECORD made or if the US Versions all are imported from Germany. Same for the Vinyl Version?
Also I read that XII Bis (benelux) issued Broken Record also as the Collectors Box Set (from 2001) again. Is it true that this are new Editions (CD and Vinyl?)
It will be great if you can help me with new informations
Thank you
A – Uwe. Sorry for the delay in replying. As far as I am aware there are only 4 versions of BR –
The Ltd Edition Box Set (amazingly we still have a few in the shop).
The Tapete CD Album.
The Tapete Vinyl Album.
The XIII Bis CD Album.
The US release is CDs and vinyl from Tapete imported and distributed by Forced Exposure.