June 14, 2017
That’s right. I spent several hours each day with a smart, charming guy called Thavius (with an ill advised lip ring) who sounds very much like Obama, and his 76 …
January 18, 2017
The Hawke EU Centre for Mobilities, Migrations and Cultural Transformations at the University of South Australia have commissioned me to create a musical gallery installation based on the concept of …
November 23, 2016
I had a few days over the last few years when I wanted to create something or other with my modular synth and I just found myself staring at it …
October 24, 2015
Working away with Monome Grid
I’ve been doing an awful lot of investigation and experimentation the last few weeks to try to see if I can construct a viable live electronic …
June 28, 2015
OK, this isn’t technically studio journal stuff. But all of the testing, trial and error, etc has been done up here in the attic…
This is the first portable case configuration …
May 22, 2015
More of the same at my end. Two of the short listed tracks seemed weaker than the rest. Even though they were constructed the same way, they didn’t seem to …
May 20, 2015
The last few days I’ve been working with Jonas Foerster (who is in Berlin). He’s really good. I’ve been auditioning and then selecting pieces for my next electronic album, and …
January 21, 2015
My new portable synth case, filled with modules yesterday. This isn’t a noise box exactly, but it isn’t geared to melody either. What will I do with it?
December 20, 2014
Update – Buchla experiment over. Keeping Eardrill modules, selling the rest. Others may be able to make sounds with Buchla that they can’t with Eurorack, but I find myself making …
December 18, 2010
I'm trying to set up my old G5 in the attic to make this two man intercontinental instrumental collaboration