I had a day’s rest after my golf trip/mini tour then back to SoneLab for, hopefully, the final day of recording.

Michael Wyzik, my friend from the band Brother Born, arrives at 10 with a small suitcase full of various shakers, tambourines, bells and whistles.

In 6 hours we record on 10 songs, not possible with anything other than an excellent player… Here’s what we did –

Period Piece – simple tambourine
Women’s Studies – simple tambourine, and two counterparts – not so simple
Kids Today – tambourine, sleigh bells, oneshot (a shaker type thing which makes a single hit sound)
It’s late – tambourine, sleigh bells, clave
Myrtle & Rose – tambourine, sleigh bells
Blue Like Mars – tambourine
Opposites Day – tambourine, shaker
California Earthquake – double tambourine (one in each hand) stereo – very cool.
No Truck – eggs and oneshot together to make loose shaker sound
Dimisnished Ex – finally what I wanted – a tambourine which plays with the guitar, and the drums, and a second simple chorus 8’s shake.

Mike has a flight – he needs to leave by 5 at the latest but we’re done by 4.15. Food break, Mark tidies up files and makes necessary edits and nudges if timing isn’t 100%. I return at 6 and listen through as final tweaks are made and files are consolidated. at 7.30 I have all the files on my usb drive. I’ll come in in the morning and import them into my Logic sessions and update database, etc.

Basically, we’re done.