I should be having a weekend off but the Opposite’s Day sessions have taken longer than budgeted, so I’m up here in my attic syncing the laptop with my Modular synth. It works, sort of, but for some reason when I’m sending Midi Clock to the modular the midi signal to the drum machine stops. Annoying and I don’t understand it but it is not a huge problem because if I need both (unlikely) I can record one, and then the other after…
Anyway it’s quite exciting to have the synth synchronized with the tracks and I spend a little time creating a little glitchy sound and sequence for Opposite’s Day. It might work. Hard to tell without all the guitars but this was really just a test and in that respect it is fine.
Recording up here with the very basic set up and 2 in 2 out A/D D/A is tricky but it can be done and listening back the sound is fine. These little Mackie mixers are really great.
The next day (today – Dec 30) I have a look at Period Piece and I find a part I really like from a sequence in Make Noise Rene – http://www.makenoisemusic.com/rene.shtml. The sound comes from the Modcan FMDVO, with high (Toppobrillo) and low pass (Malekko Boogie) filters, envelopes from The Harvestman Double Andore. Some AM is applied to the FMVDO from LiveWire Dalek Modulator via Malekko VCA with second Double Andore envelope applied. It ends up sounding something like a Vox Organ with a nice ringing resonance. It may end up wanting echo but I record it dry so we have more flexibility mixing.
That’s enough for today. Dinner time and it’s an early start tomorrow. Yes, we are working New Year’s Eve, but only until mid afternoon…