Q – Hi Lloyd, thanks for the Broken Record cd which I received today. It is lovely. A curious question but I just wondered whether you had been listening to any Dire Straits albums while you were recording this cd.

I was just listening to Why In The World and it took me back to DS’ Brothers In Arms cd and namely the track Why Worry Now? It seems to be a track that dare I say, is a nothing like I have heard in the rest of your back catalogue. Sorry if you are offended by this question (I know DS aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and I own only aforementioned album) but I could just imagine Mark Knopfler singing this song.

A – Gus, glad you like the record. The only Dire Straits album I have is the first one. I’ve never owned Bothers In Arms. I hated that Walk of Life song when it was on MTV all the time but I’ve come around to admitting that there is something great about the Money for Nothing guitar sound/riff. I’ve never heard the song you mention. Perhaps just as well, it seems. Am I very close?

Knopfler is a pretty good producer I think. I thought about asking him one time after hearing a Willy DeVille album he oversaw.