Q – I can call me an old fan of your music, I started in the early 80#s with Rattlesnake. Are there any concerts planed for Germany in the next two years?
I saw 2 of your concerts in Hamburg, one with the commontions, which was brilliant and one without, which I didnt like, because the electric guitar of the “man without hair” was to noise.
At the first concert in Hamburg at the “Große Freiheit” there were an accoustic set of to men as opening act.
I forgot the name of the guys, can you tell me who it was?

A – Maybe you will be interested to know that the guiatrist without ther hair just died.. Rober Quine, my good friend. The Go Betwwens, from Brisbane, Australia would have been the opening act, I think. They have recently reformed and made a couple of albums, one of which is excellent.
I won’t forget Germany.

Publication date: 17092004