Q – Hey Lloyd. Couldn’t get tickets to your Cape Town show so put the family in the car and trekked down to Grahamstown…saw two of your three shows there. Great stuff – well worth the trip. I liked the venue and thought the sound was about the best I’ve heard at any live gig anywhere ever….just wondered how you enjoyed playing the shows there? You looked a little bit restless on your first night but you rocked on your second…was that just you warming up?

A – Despite the excellent efforts of the promoter and the club’s management the venue was not ideal for my show. Too much coming and going in view of the singer. A bit depressing really, always feeling like you had disappointed someone.. But that’s often part and parcel of being on a festival bill. I’m glad you saw the 2nd one, it was the only one I was happy with. And I did get to see Louis Mhlanga and his band. He is fantastic. We enjoyed our stay in Grahamstown. I’d love to go back when the town is a little less crowded, though…