All concerts solo acoustic, 2 sets, except the festival where I’m sure I’ll just play one set.

Note: some promotional material for the French Festival is listing this as a Small Ensemble show. This in NOT the case. It is a solo show.

MARCH 2014

Fri 14th Germany, Ludwigshafen, Das Haus
Bahnhofstraße 30
67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Phone: 06215042888
Online Tickets

Sat 15th Germany, Landsberg, Stadttheater
Schlossergasse 381 a,
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Phone: 08191128333
Online Tickets

Sun 16th Germany, Frankfurt, Brotfabrik SOLD OUT
Bachmannstraße 2-4,
60488 Frankfurt am Main
Online Tickets

Mon 17th Germany, Bonn, Harmonie
Frongasse 28-30,
53121 Bonn
Online Tickets

Thu 20th Spain, Madrid, Teatro Lara
Calle Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 15
28004 Madrid ‎
Phone: 915 23 90 27
Online Tickets

Fri 21st Spain, Zaragoza,


New venue: Sala Cai Luzán
Paseo Independencia, 10
50004 Zaragoza
Online Tickets

Sat 22nd France, La Rochelle, Acoustic Festival
Salle De L’Idonniere
Rue De La Croix Bouet
85170 Le Poire Sur Vie
Online Tickets