October 16, 2008

‘Rattlesnakes’ on ‘Whistle Test’ 1984; ‘Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?’ on Red Wedge 1986; interview 1986; interview on ‘Whistle Test’ 1986; interview 1990; interview on ‘Music Box’ 1991; interview on ‘Big Mouth’ 1996; interview on ’10 of the Best’ 1996

September 1, 2008

Phil Screen has posted some more obscure videos, some with interviews.

July 10, 2008

A friend just sent me this YouTube clip – Well, I used to say hello to him, so I know he used to like my music, but I never knew …

June 11, 2008

Thanks to Steve, sgskinny, we have a few videos from the June 8 London Jazz Cafe show!!! I have created a playlist on YouTube