This translation from swedish was made in about three minutes – please forgive;-)
I guess you is especially receptive to Lloyd Coles “Antidepressant” when its Monday morning, youre late to the day care center with eyes running in the autumn winds. Surroundings are everything but glamourous, but everything looks brilliant anyway. Just like that, is Lloyd Coles new album grey, foggy and fantastic. Then this kind of sentimentality partly like on 1995s “Love Story” like a knife through soft butter. Lloyd Cole is in that particular state of mind, and he does it better than anyone else in music sounding solemny depressed while the music at the same time is about getting life to appear more grand and beautyful than it really is.
LLOYD COLE IS free of pathetics he is almost suspiciously eager about wanting to mature as a modern man, a man talking about his kids while others drool over Scarlett Johansson-cleavages in a bar. It feels kongenial that he is able to do a record that is more about his mid life than ever and at the same time sound more awake and beautyful for a very long time. He came across much more as a grumpy old man when he tried not to be. He is older now and quite phenomenal.
Publication: Dagens Nyheter
Publication date: 25/09/06