Mr. Cole. This is a review -a translation, of course- that I have made for ‘La Bohemia. Ocio y Cultura de Gran Canaria’, a sort of cultural agenda from my native place, Gran Canaria (The Canary Islands). If you consider that it deserves your attention, I would like you put it on your weblog. It is my modest contribution to your music, a loyal partner of my thirtysomething life.
One thing more: sorry for my English. Although I am an English philologist, I do not practice a lot with the Language of Shakespeare nowadays. Even so, I hope you find the text comprehensible.
Thanks for your time whether you decide to put the review or not.The melancholic English bard -Scottish by adoption,- delivers a new album in his solo career (his mythical former band, The Commotions, and the non-less powerful and ephemeral, The Negatives, stayed behind). Antidepressant is the title -what, if not?- chosen for this veteran musician who takes more than twenty years in the periphery of the pop business. And, as the own title suggests, this is a record that mixes sadness delicately with a revitalizing happiness. All the songs of this record demonstrate an undeniable fact: Lloyd Cole is the best composer of his generation; or at least the best (and with more dignity) who has faced with the passing of time in the last twenty years. If not, you should listen to The Young Idealists, and then you will understand everything.
Salvador Betancort
Publication: La Bohemia. Ocio y Cultura de Gran Canaria
Publication date: 20/10/06