Q – Hello Lloyd! excuse my english, maybe my question will seem strange as I don’t have the vocabulary to express what I feel when listening this song. I wondered If Shelly does really exists, how could you have been inspired for this melody and this text if she doesn’t??? I was despair to listen this song again one day because of it is a b-side and I am so happy to know that it appears in the compilation Cleaning out the Ashtray. This album is hard to find in Canada?? i think I have to buy it by internet. Thank you for all those texts you have written and shared with us…
A – No need to apologise. I hope it won’t be awful to hear that almost none of the characters in my songs are actual people. A few are loosely based on folk and a few more are amalgams of several people, or types. Shelly? I don’t recall. It’s just a simple love song, so it can be for whoever you like.
You can buy Cleaning out the ashtrays at my shop right here, if you’d like. We’ve shipped many copies to Canada.