Q – Hello Lloyd, I recently acquired a copy of the 1986 songbook _Lloyd Cole and the Commotions_. I was quite surprised to read some of the lyrics. They differ markedly from the ones that you have posted on this website-and from what you sing, to the best of my imperfect ears.

Are the lyrics as posted the canonical version, with allowances for the occasional typo and brilliant afterthoughts?

Also, can you please post, or direct me to, your lyrics to ‘Si tu dois partir’? The lyrics that I have been able to find on line are related to, but not the same as, the ones that you sing. I prefer your version but I cannot make out all of the words.

Je vous remercie en avance. Veuillez accepter mes meilleurs voeux.

A – This site is the best source of lyrics. Only repetitions or ad libs are excluded from my renditions. Maybe the EMI folk who made the book in 1985 or whenever it was were a little careless, they certainly didn’t contact me to verify anything..
‘Si tu dois partir’ was writen by Bob Dylan and translating it would have required permission, which I’m sure would have taken years. So, I took the Fairport Convention version and a couple of French friends – Dominique from the band Ivy and Jill Sobule’s ex, Ive Beauvais, translated the original for me, and coached me in my singing.. I don’t have a copy of the actual words we used, but they are pretty stricly translated from Dylan’s.

Publication: Lloyd Cole and the Commotions

Publication date: 31/12/1986