November 1, 2014
Ordinarily, I end my Australian tours in Melbourne, stay on a week or so and play golf in the best golfing city in the world. Last November, though, as I was beginning to put this year’s schedule together, The Hawke Institute at the University of South Australia contacted me and asked if I might consider becoming a visiting fellow, to talk rather than sing, to walk across the greens of Adelaide and perhaps sample a local red or two along the way.
January 23, 2012
My golfing pals Geoff Shackleford, Mike Clayton and John Huggan along with Australian journalist Rod Morri have started a golf podcast called State of the Game. They needed a theme …
April 14, 2010
Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! Soaking wet, freezing cold, I trudge wearily back to the clubhouse, five clubs in hand, no balls remaining. Utterly defeated.
March 31, 2010
Q – I know you are very much into your golf and play to a good standard. I was wondering what’s in the bag? In my mind I have you …
March 15, 2010
Robert is a gallery owner, photographer, and artist in Atlanta, GA.
January 4, 2009
The bartender at the Prince of Wales looks like Ray Davies wrote Lola for her: She has clearly not always used the Ladies. At six-feet tall and with bleached-blond hair, she cuts a striking figure, and in a voice that is indeed a deep dark brown she tells me they are all out of Coopers Red.
March 1, 2008
Another discussion forum not unlike BombSquad Golf but without the obnoxious aspects, for the most part anyway.
March 1, 2008
Aidan Bradley is regarded as amongst the best at his trade and is widely recognized for his ability to capture the excitement and mood of a golf course.
March 1, 2008
Mike Nuzzo's weblog of his design project which looks like it will be a stunning course.
March 1, 2008
This is a weblog on golf course design (my hobby to study) operated by Ian Andrew, a Canadian designer I met last time I passed through Toronto.